Category: EDCI335

Post 3 – Inclusive Design 0

Post 3 – Inclusive Design

As I developed my interactive learning resource on health and wellness with my group, I found the GPS metaphor in this week’s notes particularly useful in understanding how to create an inclusive learning experience....


Post 2: Inquiry-Based Learning

What is Inquiry-Based Learning? At its core, Inquiry-based learning is an instructional approach centered on the learners (Ai et al., 2008). It encourages them to actively explore the topic, ask questions, and develop their...


Response Post 1

Ahyun, Thank you for sharing your learning experience with cognitivism and constructivism. I had the same experience trying to grasp the differences between these concepts and I must say, you have provided a clear...


A Little About Me

Hey there! My name is Conrad, thanks for visiting my blog! A bit about me: I’m a UVic student, like all of you, and I am studying Recreation and Health Education. I’m in my...